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Shape up yourself

Today's times demand a lot of us. Constant changes, even more severe illnesses, accidents, consume our reserves, destabilize our mental forces and physical forces. Stabilizing the health or to regain the lost, this is our common endeavor.
The program has been temporarily suspended. The reopening is expected in 2020.
About the projects SHAPE UP Yourselfe we will inform you later this year in the Newsletter.

If you're interested in joining with us, want to hear about our plans, feel free to drop us a line.
We’d love to hear from you.

Shape yourself up.

Maintain your body's strength, your mental stability. Stay healthy and satisfied, let it go you well.

Your Body

Give and keep your body the necessary strength. Keep your body fit without overpowering you.

Your mind

Find or maintain your self-esteem, your inner calmness, your serenity and your personal perception.

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